Tag: encript

Air Explorer, the multicloud manager

Air Explorer for Mac 1.24.0, new version

List if changes:-Fixed issues with encryption and decryption.-Added Digiboxx cloud support.-Fixed sync error on Google Drive (wrong folders could be created .xlsx.xlsx…).-Clear temp files on 416 download errors.-Fixed issue with double quotes in Google Drive.-Fixed issue with orphaned .part files.-OneDrive now uses the external browser window to login.-When a cloud supports several hashes, check for…
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Encript your files in the cloud

Air Explorer is a manager for files stored in the cloud. The software allows you to manage your files and folders and transfer them from your computer to the cloud or between clouds. When you manage your files, Air Explorer allows you to encrypt your files when uploading them to the clouds so that you…
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Encrypt uploads with Air Explorer

When you upload files or folders with Air Explorer you can encrypt them. It is very easy, you only have to activate the “Encrypt Uploads” button. Then a window asks you about a password that you will need later to decrypt it. With the new version of Air Explorer, you can encrypt file names. To…
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