Tag: encrypt

Air Explorer, the multicloud manager

Encrypt Google Drive files

Importance of data security When we talk about data security in the cloud is about protecting your digital assets from various threats and ensuring that your information remains confidential, intact, and available when needed. It’s a fundamental aspect of modern data management and business operations. Cloud storage can be accessed from anywhere, making it vulnerable to…
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How to encrypt your files in the cloud

Encrypting files when uploading them to the cloud is a security and privacy measure that can protect our information from possible attacks or unauthorised access. Encryption is a process by which data is transformed into a secret code that can only be read by whoever has the key to decrypt it. This prevents the data…
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Encrypt and upload your files to the cloud with the smartphone

When you upload your files to the cloud from your smartphone, you have the option to upload them encrypted with Air Explorer for Android. If you encrypt the files, the data is protected from attacks or security breaches that may occur in the cloud. Air Explorer for Android can encrypt files when uploading them to…
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Air Explorer 5.0.1, new version

List of changes:-Fixed problem encrypting files in Mega.-Fixed, cloud free space indicator was not shown sometimes.-Added support for anonymous S3 login.-Fixed issue sorting by name with encrypted files.-Fixed box can not read folder with more than 300000 items.-Fixed duplicate cloud categories.-Sync report icons changed.-Small accessibility imnprovements.-Updated Chinese Traditional translation (Thanks to Wang).-Updated Polish translation (Thanks…
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How compress (zip) and upload the files or folders to the clouds

With “Upload as zip” feature of Air Explorer you can upload your folders or files compressed as Zip and save space. When you activate the “Zip Uploads” feature, the files and folders will be uploaded to the cloud compressed and you can choose whether to compress using password or not. If you use a password,…
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Encrypt files when you upload to the cloud

Air Explorer allows you to encrypt files when you upload them to the cloud. It is a very useful feature to protect your files and keep them more secure in case of security flaws in storage services. When you encrypt your photos, documents, videos, etc. when you upload them to the cloud you can prevent…
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Encryption protocol in Air Explorer

Encryption is a great way to keep valuable data safe in your cloud storage. Air Explorer can encrypt your files and folders when you upload them to the cloud. The encryption protocol used is Rijndael CTR with a 256 bits key. When you encrypt in Air Explorer, it is required to set a password, which…
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How can I encrypt files when I upload them with Air Explorer?

How can I encrypt files when I upload them with Air Explorer? To encrypt a file or a folder, you have to activate the “Encrypt Uploads” button. When you transfer a file or a folder, a window asks you about a password that you will need later to decrypt it. You can check more information…
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