Air Explorer version 1.11.0, new version

Air Explorer version 1.11.0, new version


List of changes:

-Added logs window.
-Air Explorer uses the system proxy configuartion.
-Added an option to change the proxy settings from Air Explorer options.
-The local network can be browsed and synchronized with any cloud using Air Explorer.
-Added option to log to a file (Pro version only).
-Added option to export logs (Pro version only).
-Added button to cancel the current search.
-Removed limit of files per folder in
-Show synchronization configuration window before starting the comparision.
-Fixed cancelling upload or download folders were not cancelled correctly.
-Improved stability.
-Improved performance working with folders with a big number of files.
-Fixed transfer big files from one cloud to Google Drive.
-Added more information while a creating folders structure when uploading entire folders.
-Fixed error uploading small files to Mediafire.
-Fixed trasnfer files from one cloud to Amazon sometimes the files were not refreshed.
-Fixed do not allow to copy folder into subfolder.
-Fixed quota and available space were not displayed correctly in Yandex and some Webdav servers.
-Show information when Air Explorer is hashing a file to compare it with another file.
-The conflict dialog box now is always on top and has better looking.
-Fixed when exit was cancelled the task list was not refreshed anymore.
-Fixed sometimes the tasks list was not refreshed when several Air Explorer windows were opened.
-Fixed wrong download progress reported for some Google Drive files.
-Files names are not truncated in list mode.
-Fixed transfer big files from one cloud to Onedrive.

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