Tag: azure

Air Explorer, the multicloud manager

Google Drive vs Azure

Azure and Google Drive are two different cloud services that offer different solutions. Azure is a cloud computing platform that provides a wide range of infrastructure, platform and software-as-a-service. On the other hand, Google Drive is a cloud storage service that allows users to store online and share files. While both services have their own…
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Air Explorer for Android, new version with Azure

Air Explorer for Android lets you connect to all your cloud storage accounts and manage your files from your mobile phone. The new version of Air Explorer for Android improves stability and adds support for Azure Blob Storage. In addition, the advanced features of Air Explorer for Android allow you to share documents and synchronize…
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Air Explorer for Mac 1.22.0, new version

List of changes:-Added Azure Blob Storage support.-Better handling of 429 errors while reading the folders on OneDrive for Business and Sharepoint Online.-S3 path style option was not saved when the account was registered.-Show more information for errors uploading files to Dropbox in the logs.

Azure Blob Storage file management tool

Azure Blob Storage is a Microsoft Azure storage service. This service is highly scalable and secure, making it ideal for storing large amounts of data, such as media files, documents and binary data. By adding Azure to Air Explorer you can upload from a PC or migrate from other clouds these large amounts of data…
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Air Explorer 5.2.0, new version

List of changes:-Added support for Azure Blob storage.-The startsync command line command now support file size filters, for example /filter=”.tmp;.jpg;size>10MB” will exclude all the .tmp and .jpg files with a size larger than 10 MB.-Moving cloud folders to local computer could not delete the empty folders.-Better handling of 429 errors while reading the folders on…
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