Tag: sync

Air Explorer, the multicloud manager

Optimize your file synchronization

Optimizing file synchronization is crucial to ensure your data is always up-to-date and accessible, regardless of your location. Air Explorer stands out as a highly effective and versatile tool that simplifies the management of multiple cloud storage accounts, enabling smooth and efficient synchronization. The essential steps to make the most of Air Explorer and achieve…
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Cloud-to-cloud data migration solution

What is cloud-to-cloud data migration Cloud-to-cloud data migration involves transferring data from one cloud service provider to another. This process is essential for organizations looking to optimize costs, enhance performance, or leverage specific features of a new cloud platform. It requires careful planning to ensure data integrity, security, and minimal downtime. Tools and services like…
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Transfer Dropbox files to Google Drive

Google Drive and Dropbox are two popular cloud storage providers, each offering distinct features and benefits. While both services allow you to store files in the cloud, Google Drive is tightly integrated with the Google ecosystem, while Dropbox offers a more straightforward experience with additional features. Why do you transfer Dropbox Files to Google Drive?…
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How to use the synchronization tool

Synchronization Pc-to-cloud and cloud-to-cloud represents an essential mechanism in the digital age ensuring that data stored on a personal computer’s local hard drive is aligned and in agreement with its replica on a cloud storage platform. This integration offers multiple advantages, including: Considering that nowadays having an account in a cloud storage service is very…
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Air Explorer 5.5.0, new version

List of changes:-New window to manage the synchronizations.-Import and export synchronizations.-Fixed error adding some Terabox accounts.-Show the synchronization progress on the task scheduler window.-AWS S3 use global region if the region can not be determined for a bucket.-Fixed sync error on Google Drive (wrong folders could be created .xlsx.xlsx…).-Show Sharepoint options correctly in the accounts…
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Manage your files on the cloud with Air Explorer for Mac

Air Explorer is a cloud account manager that allows you to upload files to your accounts from both a Windows and a Mac computer. Both versions of the software are optimized for your platform. You can download them from the website. Air Explorer for Windows and Mac supports more than 35 of the most popular…
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Cloud backup with Mac

Air Explorer is available for Mac and includes the most important clouds of the moment. You can add accounts from Google Drive, Onedrive, Mega, Naver, etc. and you can also add accounts with S3, WebDav, SFTP and FTP protocols. Once you have added your accounts in Air Explorer for Mac, you will be able to…
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Synchronization feature in Air Explorer

Air Explorer is a cloud account manager with numerous features that make your work with the cloud easier. When you work with your clouds, uploading your files, keeping them safe and updating them are the most common actions you do, for this the software has been improving its synchronization tool. Air Explorer wants to help…
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How to transfer files from Onedrive to Google Drive?

Using cloud services like Google Drive and OneDrive to save files offers convenience, accessibility, and security. These platforms allow you to access your documents from any device with an internet connection, ensuring you can work from anywhere. They support real-time collaboration, making it easy to share and edit files with others. Additionally, you can work…
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Synchronize between folders in your own PC with Air Explorer

You can check more information here:Synchronization feature in Air Explorerhttps://www.airexplorer.net/en/blog/synchronization-feature-in-air-explorer/Sharepoint file manager and synchronization toolhttps://www.airexplorer.net/en/blog/sharepoint-file-manager-and-synchronization-tool/New feature: using hash comparision to check if two files are the samehttps://www.airexplorer.net/en/blog/new-feature-using-hash-comparision-to-check-if-two-files-are-the-same/“Save and load synchronizations” in Air Explorerhttps://www.airexplorer.net/en/blog/save-and-load-synchronizations-in-air-explorer/ In this way, you can use Air Explorer as a synchronization tool for your own computer folders. You can control all your…
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