Air Explorer for Android, new version with WebDav

Air Explorer for Android is an application that allows you to navigate, copy & paste, cut, delete, rename, transfer, download and upload files and folders in the cloud and on your device. You can also use the application to synchronize and encrypt when uploading files.
You can download the app from Google Play Store and continue managing your files in the cloud.
List of changes:
-Better handling of 429 errors reading the folders on OneDrive and Sharepoint.
-Fixed compatibility with some WebDAV servers.
-Fixed Yandex.
-It was not possible to download some recently uploaded files to GDrive.
-Fixed uploading files larger that 2GB to HiDrive.
-Fixed issue uploading very large files to GDrive with very slow connections.
-Fixed downloading files from Dropbox team folders.
-Fixed Dropbox generate shared links.
-Show Backup devices on Jottacloud and Onlime.