Tag: google drive

Air Explorer, the multicloud manager

Encrypt Google Drive files

Importance of data security When we talk about data security in the cloud is about protecting your digital assets from various threats and ensuring that your information remains confidential, intact, and available when needed. It’s a fundamental aspect of modern data management and business operations. Cloud storage can be accessed from anywhere, making it vulnerable to…
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Transfer Dropbox files to Google Drive

Google Drive and Dropbox are two popular cloud storage providers, each offering distinct features and benefits. While both services allow you to store files in the cloud, Google Drive is tightly integrated with the Google ecosystem, while Dropbox offers a more straightforward experience with additional features. Why do you transfer Dropbox Files to Google Drive?…
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Google Drive vs Azure

Azure and Google Drive are two different cloud services that offer different solutions. Azure is a cloud computing platform that provides a wide range of infrastructure, platform and software-as-a-service. On the other hand, Google Drive is a cloud storage service that allows users to store online and share files. While both services have their own…
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Move files between Google Drive accounts with your phone

Moving files from one Google Drive account to another using a third-party app such as Air Explorer for Android can be useful if you want to move files between Google Drive accounts that are not linked. It can also be useful if you want to move files between Google Drive accounts that have different owners…
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Transfer files from Google Drive to other clouds

Google Drive is a storage service that allows users to save files in the cloud. To use Google Drive you need to have a Gmail account, which gives you 15 GB of free storage for each user. However, that 15 GB of capacity often is not enough. If your Google Drive account is running low…
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Air Explorer 4.9.2, new version

List of changes:-Fixed issue uploading very large files to Google Drive with very slow connections.-Fixed, some files could not be uploaded to Degoo.-Fixed downloading files from Dropbox team folders.-Fixed Dropbox generate shared links.-Fixed drag to external windows explorer could cause duplicate download in some systems.-Fixed encryption with SFTP servers.-Show Backup devices on Jottacloud and Onlime.-Fixed…
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Copy your Dropbox files to Google Drive

Nowadays there are many cloud storage services where we can save our documents, and we can have accounts in one or several of these storage services and each cloud can be dedicated to different matters. If you need to transfer files from one account to another, Air Explorer makes the job much faster and easier.…
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Air Explorer for Android, new version to improve the stability

Copy and sync documents, photos, videos and other files to the cloud and access them from your Android device no matter where you are. Thanks to Air Explorer for Android you can connect to all your cloud accounts from your smartphone and manage your files. The new version of Air Explorer for Android improves stability…
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Air Explorer 4.5.0, new version

List of changes: -Added Huawei cloud.-Fixed slow connection to Google Drive for some accounts.-Added “Open with” menu to select the application to open the files in the clouds.-Show the current path on tabs header tooltips.-Fixed empty folders were not deleted when they were moved to another cloud.-Improved Google Documents synchronization with another cloud or to…
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Migrate Google Drive to a new cloud account

Storing in a cloud account like Google Drive is like having the files on a hard drive on your computer. However, it has added advantages since by being able to save your files in the cloud, this storage disk will be accessible through the Internet and you will be able to have your files anywhere.…
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